Webinar: Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center (IMEC) + ESG OWL

IMEC and ESG OWL have partnered to bring sustainability ideas to manufacturing businesses in IL and beyond! Register for the webinar today!
Author pic
Todd Weinstein
January 17, 2024

One of the most significant risks that Manufacturers currently face is Sustainability. Sustainability has been long ignored by many manufacturers but large customers are increasingly evaluating their suppliers on climate and sustainability. Increasing regulation, customer and consumer pressure, and climate change are driving sustainability to the top of the priority list for many Executives.

This webinar will focus on how Sustainability initiatives can drive business value and should not be considered an additional compliance cost. Join us to learn 4 Ways that Sustainability Drives Profitability in Manufacturing.

Webinar: 4 Ways Sustainability Drives Profitability
Date: Thursday, February 8, 2024
Time: 11:30 am CT

Registration Link:

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